New Year, Same you…

New Year – Same You?

“Out with the old, in with the new.” Time to move forward, let go of the past and prepare to receive a new thing. 

I know what you’re thinking. The last time we went through this exercise every human being was enrolled in an advanced course of “LIFE interrupted” without the option of dropping the class. Professor 20/20 taught us all a lesson in what vision “is” and what transparency “is not”. 

2020 revealed things about us collectively with a precision like clarity making it impossible to forget what we saw. The images of 2020 will forever be etched in our minds. The emotional scars on our hearts will heal and for many different reasons help us in the years to come. But alas, we finished the course and lived to tell the story so without further ado… 

It’s a New Year, but I am not the same me. Are you? 

I am not one for resolutions as they tend to fall by the wayside after we reach a particular milestone. I prefer affirmations. I have the power to speak into existence things that are not as though they ARE. Understanding that God has already “affirmed” me and has confirmed the calling on my life I use this time of year to press the reset button. Sure, I could focus on all of the things 2020 took and did not do, but I would not be God’s child if I did not speak to the things he DID and is continuing to DO in my life. So, Lord what will you have me to do? Who shall you have me to serve? While I wait for His answer you will find me here:

1. I will intentionally create spaces that allow for self-care.

2. I will only cross the bridges that have been fortified for my growth and development

3. I will continue to share the joys of healthy cooking with those that follow my platform with excitement and truth

4. I am secure in the places and spaces that have been established to stretch me spiritually

5. I will use the power of PRAYER each and every day

6. I am a good steward of the finances that you have entrusted to me

Hello 2021! Welcome to the party. 

@MakeSomeThyme Family Let’s do it!


We are all tight on time, but can make the best of what we have by being intentional in a few key areas of our lives:








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3 Responses

  1. I’m not the same me.... actually 2020 had me discover a better me because it shut the world down which allowed me to slow down and forced me to focus on me!! And for that I am grateful!

      1. Thank you so much for encouraging me to Make Some THYME for a healthy LIFE! Your gift is such a blessing and I thank you for your obedience!

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