Happy 1 Year Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Make Some Thyme!

What a difference a year makes! 

It was one year ago today that my journey to healthy living became public and MakeSomeThyme was born. What started as sharing recipes evolved into a “thing”. Hearing others share their challenges, wins and goals made the platform what it is today. The MakeSomeThyme Village has very deep roots and every recipe shared is a branch connected to my heart. 

If you’re a new “THYME’r” understand that while I do enjoy entertaining, my goal is to help others appreciate the joy of cooking for themselves. Educating our community on the impact that food has on our health and well-being is my passion. 

Let’s talk about how we got here. I launched social media, created an LLC, designed merchandise with excitement and enthusiasm! Then the pandemic hit! 

My inbox started filling up with questions and people began changing the way they shopped and ate. We planted our first garden. I wrote more pages in my book and I ordered more hats. And the pandemic hit harder. 

My nephew died tragically. Yet we continued to forge ahead. We launched the website. I setup a recording studio in my kitchen and curated cooking videos for my church. The pandemic got personal. 

Funerals via Zoom and Facebook. Repast cancelled. I partnered with an organization that allows me to teach people how to cook. My beautiful Nana got her wings. My daughter had a baby girl. I hired an assistant. And we continue to  MakeSomeThyme history. 

Thank you for joining the party.  It has been a wild and fulfilling ride. 


We are all tight on time, but can make the best of what we have by being intentional in a few key areas of our lives:






Comment below or direct message me to learn more!



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4 Responses

  1. Thank you for helping and inspiring people to be the best they can be. Please continue sharing your life and stories. You are inspiring when you do. Our society has come accustomed to artificial, curated content as the norm. Cooking and healthy living is a celebrity thing. But home-cooked meals full of values, and well good looking cooks that just happen to be strong women are needed out there. Everyday people need that. Good examples are needed.
    I am sorry for your losses during the past year. Congratulations on the one year anniversary of your creation. Let's go on.
    Let's continue eating well, moving every day, living on purpose, helping our community by embracing what we have in common, and come out stronger on the other side.
    I dig the hats too,


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